As Cemre Shipyard, we represent diverse shipbuilding experiences together with our dreams, ambition, hard-working character, and promise of delivering absolute quality products.
Our people are the essence of the company and key element for continuous development activities, and their passion for learning never lets us cease to grow.
Success is no coincidence. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. Put our heart, mind, and soul into even all of the projects.
Our mentality is working with young generations and use their everlasting hunger for knowledge, creativity, and confidence.
Our portfolio is not limited to the same type of vessel and absolutely based on tailor-made, advanced vessels.
The actual flexibility is a symbiotic partnership between ship-owner and shipyard and between technology and culture. We always are the solution maker and partners to our customers