The ability to obtain financial resources, credit to develop and operate is different for every business. Beyond meeting all the assets and needs of the enterprise most effectively and sustainably, Cemre's finance skill is equipped to strengthen the profit acquisition and image of the enterprise.
Financing of shipbuilding projects started with limited financial resources is effective in all processes of the project. Cash flow and the cost of the resources utilized during the project completion process play an essential role in the achievement.
To finance the projects, Cemre selects its stakeholders carefully and according to the result of extensive technical analysis. The financing of each project is unique. Economic indicators that always change during the life cycle of the project and changing financial conditions can be quite challenging from time to time. Cemre Finance Department, with its experience and dynamism, finds effective and creative solutions to overcome these difficulties.
In addition to the project financing, the efficient evaluation of the available resources for the investments made and a well-planned investment budget have been efficient in the success of Cemre's both completed, ongoing, and planned investments. These investments are carried out primarily for human and environmental health, both for capacity increase and for the development of the existing technological infrastructure.
The complete reports they provide to the authorities and the indicators in the financial statements play a remarkable role in the financial success of businesses besides their profitability. These reports, in which financial skills are inevitably displayed, constitute an essential t indicator for many financial instruments, from limit allocations by stakeholders to the diversity of loans, interest rates, and option terms, by revealing the financial ability of the enterprise.
All of the portfolios within the finance department consist of well-equipped personnel who are experts in their field and have the ability to represent the business. These portfolios fulfill the following roles within the organization.
The Budget and Financial Reporting Portfolio meets the financial information needs of the business and creates scenarios for the financial conditions it is in. It develops a preparation plan for all current and future variables by facilitating the decision-making of the enterprise regarding its financial issues.
The Financial Operations Portfolio is responsible for the most effective use of financial instruments and the smooth implementation of these processes. While effective process management regarding banks and other stakeholders prevents losses and damages, Cemre represents its quality at the highest level.
Foreign Transactions Operations Portfolio is responsible for the management and follow-up of customs procedures in import and export processes, as well as for the most efficient effectuation of financial conditions with foreign suppliers. It offers a dynamic and effective workflow with its transparent and auditable structure against the authorities.
As a whole, Cemre Finance Department acts to ensure sustainability with its ability to adapt to the rapidly changing world economic conditions and its ever-evolving structure.
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